Shortly after the choppers (but generally not the very next round) is a single Juggernaut with a LMG that he won't drop. There's usually one wave around 6-8 that is 2 AH-6 choppers with miniguns attached. "Bonus Difficulty" rounds happen on occasion: Dogs also eventually will stop spawning, and will be replaced with suicide dogs. Other rounds will yield enemies who stock claymores, and set them up around the level, often times near your armories. Some rounds will start spawning "suicide bombers" who are lightly armored and carry a different kind of shotgun, and who explode when they are killed. There are some "special enemies" that are generally announced at the beginning of a round: The most armored standard troops spawn with the FAD, and are hard to kill without headshots. More heavily armored troops will appear (we call these guys "strongcoats" although I don't know that that's an official term.) who use ACR's. Several rounds after this, the standard troops will gain AK-47's. After this, there will be several rounds of lightly armored troops who are carrying MP5's. The first couple of rounds are always the lightest armored troops (no body armor) who wield Model 1887 shotguns. He might say "heavily armored ground troops inbound!" which would indicate Juggernauts, or "Dogs, with C4 strapped to them" which indicates that suicide bomber dogs will make an appearance. The narrator ("Overlord" from the single player campaign) will give you a general overview of what you can expect to find in the current round.
The waves that come are semi-random, although I think there is a "general" pattern to them.